Discovering Natural Processes
This work takes readers on a journey into important processes that control much of what happens in nature and do all the work that gives environmental systems the potential to be self-maintaining — true sustainability.
Nature is beautiful not only because of the aesthetics of natural structures, landscapes, and living beings but also because of the exquisite functionality of natural processes. Decomposition may initially seem less than beautiful, but seen in its role of vital resupply that keeps the whole system functioning, decomposition and nutrient recycling take on a new beauty.
Special Places in Canada
We wanted to be able to unite the major natural processes that were explored in our previous book, Discovering Natural Processes, to show how the integrated assembly of all those processes makes each “special place” function as a whole environment. Our view of ecology is essentially the same as the view explained in Stan Rowe’s 2006 book, Earth Alive. Ecology is an attempt to grasp the interactions of all the environmental structures and processes. We all know that this is a young country politically, but many do not realize that much of our land is also very young geologically and ecologically.
Rivers of Natural Riches
This autobiographical collection describes journeys along four naturally wealthy Canadian rivers.
Stephen’s Book about How to Fix the Earth
The grandparents’ response to a six-year-old’s Earth Stewardship question: “How can we fix it?”
Le livre de Stephen : Comment réparer la Terre
La réponse des grands-parents à la question d’un enfant de six ans au sujet de l’intendance de la Terre : « Comment pouvons-nous la réparer? »