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This is about our environment. Not just the environment of humans but the environment of all living beings. Of course, that includes lots of non-living things, too.

These essays have arisen from a lifetime of research, teaching and thinking about ecology as a science but, following that life, for more than a decade, I have tried to apply that experience to what is happening on the land. I have written on environmental issues for a community newspaper, given talks to community and political groups, and provided pro bono consultation to volunteer groups. This has involved lake management planning, regional land stewardship, holistic watershed stewardship, regional sustainability planning, and the inevitable environmental politics. So any of this wide range of topics may show up.

This combination of experiences and exposures has resulted in some philosophical positions about the ways that humans fit themselves into the earth’s ecological systems. Some of those views can be found in two books: Discovering Natural Processes and Special Places in Canada, and those views also may appear in this blog.
